The peddler travelled the length and breadth of Darken Vale. Every obscure trail and backway was etched into his memory. Every hamlet, trade camp and settlement knew him, and he knew them. His services were welcome, and in many cases in great demand whenever he made an appearance. Packs, chests and pouches were all piled high on the mule-drawn cart behind him. Herbs, foodstuffs, bolts of cloth, pots and pans, shoes and boots, tools and farming implements, toys, clothing, liquor and weapons all jostled against their rope restraints as the cart bounced up the rutted track. On his back, the merchant wore a pack containing his most valuable items and tools. His surgeon’s tools- crafted in the city and of fine quality- were wrapped carefully in a linen roll. Potions of life restoration and magical rejuvenation rested in individually wrapped straw containers. A small coffer hidden at the bottom of that pack contained his wealth and most priceless riches. Equally, the peddler could shoe a horse, deliver a baby, measure up a body for clothing and shoes, prescribe ointments to alleviate minor ailments and offer advice and guidance on how to best make crops grow, blights diminish and sicknesses disappear. For the next settlement that was on his route, his arrival would be the highlight of the season.
Level at which Non-Merchant classes can gain professions.
Lvl 0: 1st Profession
Lvl 5: 2nd Profession
Lvl 10: 3rd Profession
Lvl 15: 4th Profession
Gathering & Gathering- specific Skills
Players that want to go out into the Vale and search for materials to fuel their profession abilities can do so. Certain professions, however, have a natural affinity for this because their trade links naturally to the collection of specific materials. Any player can notify an Elder that they are ‘gathering’ for a specific amount of time. Normally, this will be in increments of 10 minutes, up to 1 hour maximum. After the time has elapsed, the player can return to the Elder who will roll 1d6 per 10 minutes that they spent gathering. The total number rolled on these dice is the number of materials the player has found.
Note: All materials must be of the same type- a player cannot ‘mix & match’ at their convenience.
The professions that have gathering- specific skills are:
Blacksmith- Mining- Iron Ore
Enchanter- Gem-cutting- Enchanting Elements
Herbalist- Foraging - Herbs
Leather smith- Skinning- Leather
These are all Lvl 1 abilities that need to be purchased within the individual professions.
When a player uses their gathering specific skill to search for profession-specific materials, they get +1d6 added to the total that the Elder rolls after their gathering time.
All the profession skills must be learned in order.(if a profession has two skills at the same level you may learn one or the other) This signifies the trader getting better at their craft and must be taught by another with the same skill (except FRIAR’s who can gain their crafts from divine inspiration and guidance should they chose). When a skill is learned it must be used once by the teacher and then used by the student and allow adequate time for roleplay learning the new skill and practising it.
Consumables. Consumables have a 24 hour shelf life and will not carry over to the following event. (This includes cooked Products, potions, poisons and antidotes).
General Skills
Lvl 0: Loot Chest + Lock (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows a character to keep their in game lootable items safe in a chest outside of their dwelling while sleeping or away from camp. The chest should have their name on the bottom and also marked on the outside as the loot chest (as many characters also have large outdoor chests used to store weapons, armour, clothing, props etc.). This ability does not lock the chest but rather keeps lootable items off the ground and in play (legally). Loot Chests may only be placed directly outside the main entrance of their overnight dwelling but cannot be buried under the ground. If you do not have an in game dwelling, your loot chest must be placed in plain sight at your group camp, (faction, and guild or tribe areas) or in a designated area determined by your event elders. The lock must be a 3 digit combo lock and the numbers for the code must be listed on the bottom of the loot chest in the wrong order. In order to attempt unlocking a loot chest, a character would have to have the lock picking ability. Can be used in conjunction with loot chest traps and poisons.
Lvl 1: Field dressing (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Able to heal one limb with bandage. Max amount of materials a character can hold: 1 small bandage Materials Required: Must carry first aid bandage. The character must wrap limb in bandage (2 revolutions) or tie before the limb is considered useable. The bandage must stay on character that was healed to use that limb. The bandage can be removed upon re-spawning or the limb being magically healed. If the limb is wounded again, the limb is lost until healed by professional.
Lvl 2: Cleave (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows you to perform a "Cleave" attack. Cleave attacks can be dealt with any weapon of at least bastard length that has a clear 2 handed grip, that look like metal and / or has a blade or hammer as the striking surface. Wooden looking staves etc. would not be strong enough to cleave a shield or weapon. In order for a cleave attack to count, the striking player must yell out, "cleave" while the weapon is being swung. Both hands must stay on the cleaving weapon in order for it to count upon impact of the shield/weapon. A cleave attack does one damage to a shield/weapon per strike. 2 Hands must be on the weapon when saying "cleave” or the strike will not count. If a cleave strike hits anything but a shield or weapon it does nothing. See Weapon section for items shatter points.
Lvl 2: Loot Chest Trap / Disarm Lvl 2 Rogue / LVL3 Ranger
What it does: Allows character to place bells in the top of the chest so when it opens the bells make noise which indicates the trap was sprung. The character trapped must stay at the loot chest and roleplay trying to get free. If someone with trap mastery helps the looter, they may get free and proceed to loot the chest. If no one is able to help the looter via trap mastery, the character looting the chest must lose an arm and also, they cannot take any of the loot (must relock the chest and leave). Can be used in conjunction with loot chest locks and poisons. Character that takes effect, also takes the bells off the chest top. Chests with a trap inside must also contain a small empty pouch where the trapped player can put the bells inside once the trap is used. Disarm will allow a character to carefully open a chest and disarm the Loot Chest trap. This is to be roleplayed over 1-3 minutes. Once disarmed, character must place the bells in the small empty pouch inside the loot chest. This ability must be performed only by those with the skill.
Lvl 4: Poison Weapons (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows you to apply a poison to a weapon's blade, arrow or missile. The colour of poison must be represented by ribbon tied near the hilt / handle. If the poisoned blade strikes a target and the effect is taken, the ribbon must be removed. Must roleplay applying poison. (Blockable by armour / shield) If a poisoned item is blocked, it will stay poisoned until the effect is taken.
Lvl 6: Waylay (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows character to use the blunt or handle end of a weapon to roleplay hitting another character in the back of the head, knocking them out. Do not actually hit someone with force in the head, only lightly tap them with weapon. In order for waylay to take effect, you will have to have both hands on your weapon to roleplay this out. Knocked out character will awaken if harmed but will not wake up if simply moved. Characters with helms on cannot be Waylaid. Character will remain knocked out for up to 5 minutes.
Lvl 15: Shank (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Much like backstab, shank will allow a character to inflict grievous deadly wounds on another character without the need for stealth. This ability will cause 5 points of damage and in most cases instantly kill a target and can also be used to slit throats, stab sides etc. Has a 1 minute cooldown per shanking. Must use a coreless knife like weapon under 12" long. Performing this act without the skill, will only ever cause a target a mortal wound. Must roleplay finding a gap in armour to strike target.
Level at which Non-Merchant classes can gain professions.
Lvl 0: 1st Profession
Lvl 5: 2nd Profession
Lvl 10: 3rd Profession
Lvl 15: 4th Profession
Gathering & Gathering- specific Skills
Players that want to go out into the Vale and search for materials to fuel their profession abilities can do so. Certain professions, however, have a natural affinity for this because their trade links naturally to the collection of specific materials. Any player can notify an Elder that they are ‘gathering’ for a specific amount of time. Normally, this will be in increments of 10 minutes, up to 1 hour maximum. After the time has elapsed, the player can return to the Elder who will roll 1d6 per 10 minutes that they spent gathering. The total number rolled on these dice is the number of materials the player has found.
Note: All materials must be of the same type- a player cannot ‘mix & match’ at their convenience.
The professions that have gathering- specific skills are:
Blacksmith- Mining- Iron Ore
Enchanter- Gem-cutting- Enchanting Elements
Herbalist- Foraging - Herbs
Leather smith- Skinning- Leather
These are all Lvl 1 abilities that need to be purchased within the individual professions.
When a player uses their gathering specific skill to search for profession-specific materials, they get +1d6 added to the total that the Elder rolls after their gathering time.
All the profession skills must be learned in order.(if a profession has two skills at the same level you may learn one or the other) This signifies the trader getting better at their craft and must be taught by another with the same skill (except FRIAR’s who can gain their crafts from divine inspiration and guidance should they chose). When a skill is learned it must be used once by the teacher and then used by the student and allow adequate time for roleplay learning the new skill and practising it.
Consumables. Consumables have a 24 hour shelf life and will not carry over to the following event. (This includes cooked Products, potions, poisons and antidotes).
General Skills
Lvl 0: Loot Chest + Lock (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows a character to keep their in game lootable items safe in a chest outside of their dwelling while sleeping or away from camp. The chest should have their name on the bottom and also marked on the outside as the loot chest (as many characters also have large outdoor chests used to store weapons, armour, clothing, props etc.). This ability does not lock the chest but rather keeps lootable items off the ground and in play (legally). Loot Chests may only be placed directly outside the main entrance of their overnight dwelling but cannot be buried under the ground. If you do not have an in game dwelling, your loot chest must be placed in plain sight at your group camp, (faction, and guild or tribe areas) or in a designated area determined by your event elders. The lock must be a 3 digit combo lock and the numbers for the code must be listed on the bottom of the loot chest in the wrong order. In order to attempt unlocking a loot chest, a character would have to have the lock picking ability. Can be used in conjunction with loot chest traps and poisons.
Lvl 1: Field dressing (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Able to heal one limb with bandage. Max amount of materials a character can hold: 1 small bandage Materials Required: Must carry first aid bandage. The character must wrap limb in bandage (2 revolutions) or tie before the limb is considered useable. The bandage must stay on character that was healed to use that limb. The bandage can be removed upon re-spawning or the limb being magically healed. If the limb is wounded again, the limb is lost until healed by professional.
Lvl 2: Cleave (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows you to perform a "Cleave" attack. Cleave attacks can be dealt with any weapon of at least bastard length that has a clear 2 handed grip, that look like metal and / or has a blade or hammer as the striking surface. Wooden looking staves etc. would not be strong enough to cleave a shield or weapon. In order for a cleave attack to count, the striking player must yell out, "cleave" while the weapon is being swung. Both hands must stay on the cleaving weapon in order for it to count upon impact of the shield/weapon. A cleave attack does one damage to a shield/weapon per strike. 2 Hands must be on the weapon when saying "cleave” or the strike will not count. If a cleave strike hits anything but a shield or weapon it does nothing. See Weapon section for items shatter points.
Lvl 2: Loot Chest Trap / Disarm Lvl 2 Rogue / LVL3 Ranger
What it does: Allows character to place bells in the top of the chest so when it opens the bells make noise which indicates the trap was sprung. The character trapped must stay at the loot chest and roleplay trying to get free. If someone with trap mastery helps the looter, they may get free and proceed to loot the chest. If no one is able to help the looter via trap mastery, the character looting the chest must lose an arm and also, they cannot take any of the loot (must relock the chest and leave). Can be used in conjunction with loot chest locks and poisons. Character that takes effect, also takes the bells off the chest top. Chests with a trap inside must also contain a small empty pouch where the trapped player can put the bells inside once the trap is used. Disarm will allow a character to carefully open a chest and disarm the Loot Chest trap. This is to be roleplayed over 1-3 minutes. Once disarmed, character must place the bells in the small empty pouch inside the loot chest. This ability must be performed only by those with the skill.
Lvl 4: Poison Weapons (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows you to apply a poison to a weapon's blade, arrow or missile. The colour of poison must be represented by ribbon tied near the hilt / handle. If the poisoned blade strikes a target and the effect is taken, the ribbon must be removed. Must roleplay applying poison. (Blockable by armour / shield) If a poisoned item is blocked, it will stay poisoned until the effect is taken.
Lvl 6: Waylay (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Allows character to use the blunt or handle end of a weapon to roleplay hitting another character in the back of the head, knocking them out. Do not actually hit someone with force in the head, only lightly tap them with weapon. In order for waylay to take effect, you will have to have both hands on your weapon to roleplay this out. Knocked out character will awaken if harmed but will not wake up if simply moved. Characters with helms on cannot be Waylaid. Character will remain knocked out for up to 5 minutes.
Lvl 15: Shank (available to all races and classes)
What it does: Much like backstab, shank will allow a character to inflict grievous deadly wounds on another character without the need for stealth. This ability will cause 5 points of damage and in most cases instantly kill a target and can also be used to slit throats, stab sides etc. Has a 1 minute cooldown per shanking. Must use a coreless knife like weapon under 12" long. Performing this act without the skill, will only ever cause a target a mortal wound. Must roleplay finding a gap in armour to strike target.