There are 14 different classes available in the world of Darkenvale. Some classes are specific to certain races other can cover all. Below is a brief description of each.
To the Barbarian, fighting is a way of life. It is not something that is practiced through drills and training, it is something that you live and die by. Where the Warrior learns technique and form, a barbarian puts raw ability into practice. This does not mean that Barbarians are not skilled fighters- they can have immense personal might and prowess- but rather they have less finesse than some Warriors. They are more direct in their approach to defeating a foe. They command a battlefield through strength of arm and personality, and a no nonsense approach to tackling any problem.
Musicians, minstrels, tricksters and performers. The bard can adopt many different guises, like the chameleon or the shapeshifter. A calling that appeals to creative minds and silver tongues, Bards, in all their shapes and forms are all consummate communicators. Gifted with musicality and acting skills, powerful and compelling singing voices, or simply the gift of the gab, the bard is a facilitator, a mover and a shaker. They can lead through strength of personality or be the glue that sticks a party together by being an indispensable ‘people’ person. They can swell crowds, empty money purses, cause both laughter and deep sorrow- and always leave a lasting impression.
Holy men and women, priests, healers and village elders, a Cleric is a calling as much as a class. Dedicating their lives to a deity, a cause or a community, a Cleric is a selfless individual who provides support, succour and protection to those in need. No other class can rival the Cleric’s ability to cure illness and insanity, knit flesh back together or even return people to life from the dead! The divine speaks through the Cleric. They can be a shining light in the darkness- altruistic, self-sacrificing and noble.
The beauty and ferocity of nature are both captured equally in the form of the Druid. Protectors, healers and avengers of the natural world, these spellcasters hear the song of the wild more clearly than any other. Able to act with both kindness and cruelty, the Druid is nature incarnate, able to heal and sooth, harm and destroy, and assume the very shape of the animals they are sworn to nurture and protect. No class is perhaps as diverse and graced with utility, or as capable of specialising in one particular area of expertise as the wild ones of the Druidic calling.
Spellcasters without peer, the Mage is the primary spellcaster of Darken Vale. Dedicating their lives solely to the arcane arts, Mages can grow to become the greatest practitioners of magic that the world has ever seen. Through discipline, long years of study, ruthless pursuit of knowledge and single-minded dedication can a Mage develop in power and skill. Whether they command the elements to destroy their foes, weave effects from the very fabric of magical reality, or tap into the light or dark areas of perception to manipulate and control, a Mage has a wide range of powers to pick and choose from.
The merchant is an anomaly. Without him, the other classes soon run out of valuable commodities. Around him, they find themselves curiously bereft of coin... All players can learn trades and professions, but it is the Merchant that truly excels at them all.
A travelling peddler, a blacksmith around which a community is formed and flourishes, a tavern cook who knows the business of every face that travels through, and the alchemist that brews the right potion for the right circumstance- all provide a service and all rely upon the other classes for their livelihood.
Trained in unarmed combat and the focusing of their inner spirit, their Chee (Ki), the monk is a Master of close combat. Spending years of their lives training in monasteries these individuals have concord their bodies and their minds. Often living a solitary life out in the world, helping others for food and shelter these nomads live for their training and to test their skills against others who follow the same path.
The paladin represents the military ideal of a deity or holy order. They can be sworn protectors of a particular faith or location, dedicated persecutors of criminals, evil organisations, and particularly the malevolent undead. Their primary weapon is their strength of arms, but they also have the reassurance of fighting the just fight, protecting the weak and taking the good fight into the darkness.
A ranger is a product of the wilderness. They feel the pulse of the wild much like a Druid does, but less urgently or spiritually. They can command nature magic, and through experience even learn to resist it, but fundamentally, they are survivors, livers off the land and outdoorsmen. As scouts, trackers, wilderness guides and ranged combat specialists, the Ranger is well equipped. A solid, no nonsense group, Rangers are pragmatic, resourceful and dependable.
Rogues are thieves, assassins, cat-burglars, confidence tricksters, bandits, pirates, smugglers, cutpurses, fences, highwaymen, fraudsters, murderers and everything in between. The class can cover just about anyone that makes a living (or killing) through morally dubious or nefarious and illegal means. As a result, the Rogue can be many things. A combat-shy cardsharp or a grizzled gang enforcer from the slums. No two Rogues are the quite the same.
Being a Slayer is not something you become. It’s something you are. It’s in your blood, literally. A magical trait or curse depending how one views it, handed down from generation to generation, the powers of a Slayer seem to awaken when mythical creatures are near. Often feared or misunderstood, driven by an unending drive to destroy the wicked, Slayers are clever, arcane warriors who armed with a willingness to sacrifice their own vitality and humanity for the cause, they protect the realms from the shadows, ever vigilant to avoid becoming the same monsters they choose to hunt. Slayers are willing to suffer whatever it takes to achieve victory, these adept warriors have forged themselves into a potent force against the terrors that threaten the innocent.
Either by choice or some trickery these practitioners of magic have made a deal with a powerful patron. Some choosing the light and joining forces with a heavenly Celestial being to bring light to the world or joining forces with the Demons of the dark realms for ungodly powers the Warlock channels the power of their patron through themselves. But as what cost? What does their pact require from them? because power never is given for free.
A Warrior practises their art much like a Mage. They want to be the best at what they do. But, rather than spells or incantations, a Warrior masters the weapons of their choice to near perfection. The difference between a soldier and a Warrior is all down to talent and dedication. Many Warriors have fought in standing armies, or served as mercenaries, but all move on, wanting to hone their skills against every manner of foe that they can face. To do that usually requires entering an adventurer's life.
A Witch Doctor is a curious mix of healer, visionary and spellcaster. It combines some of the characteristics of the Cleric, Druid and Necromancer in curious and unusual ways. Shamanistic, animistic and primitive practices dominate the Witch Doctors magics. They have a grounded understanding of the energies of the universe that is distinct from the more cerebral ‘studies’ of some of the other spellcasting classes. Witch Doctors ‘feel’ the forces of the universe through the soles of their feet, rather than learn it from a book or scroll. The wise woman, the hedge magician, the shaman and the seer, all are aspects that the Witch Doctor can embody, and all with a darkness and sinister aura that makes this class one to be mistrusted and feared.
There are 14 different classes available in the world of Darkenvale. Some classes are specific to certain races other can cover all. Below is a brief description of each.
To the Barbarian, fighting is a way of life. It is not something that is practiced through drills and training, it is something that you live and die by. Where the Warrior learns technique and form, a barbarian puts raw ability into practice. This does not mean that Barbarians are not skilled fighters- they can have immense personal might and prowess- but rather they have less finesse than some Warriors. They are more direct in their approach to defeating a foe. They command a battlefield through strength of arm and personality, and a no nonsense approach to tackling any problem.
Musicians, minstrels, tricksters and performers. The bard can adopt many different guises, like the chameleon or the shapeshifter. A calling that appeals to creative minds and silver tongues, Bards, in all their shapes and forms are all consummate communicators. Gifted with musicality and acting skills, powerful and compelling singing voices, or simply the gift of the gab, the bard is a facilitator, a mover and a shaker. They can lead through strength of personality or be the glue that sticks a party together by being an indispensable ‘people’ person. They can swell crowds, empty money purses, cause both laughter and deep sorrow- and always leave a lasting impression.
Holy men and women, priests, healers and village elders, a Cleric is a calling as much as a class. Dedicating their lives to a deity, a cause or a community, a Cleric is a selfless individual who provides support, succour and protection to those in need. No other class can rival the Cleric’s ability to cure illness and insanity, knit flesh back together or even return people to life from the dead! The divine speaks through the Cleric. They can be a shining light in the darkness- altruistic, self-sacrificing and noble.
The beauty and ferocity of nature are both captured equally in the form of the Druid. Protectors, healers and avengers of the natural world, these spellcasters hear the song of the wild more clearly than any other. Able to act with both kindness and cruelty, the Druid is nature incarnate, able to heal and sooth, harm and destroy, and assume the very shape of the animals they are sworn to nurture and protect. No class is perhaps as diverse and graced with utility, or as capable of specialising in one particular area of expertise as the wild ones of the Druidic calling.
Spellcasters without peer, the Mage is the primary spellcaster of Darken Vale. Dedicating their lives solely to the arcane arts, Mages can grow to become the greatest practitioners of magic that the world has ever seen. Through discipline, long years of study, ruthless pursuit of knowledge and single-minded dedication can a Mage develop in power and skill. Whether they command the elements to destroy their foes, weave effects from the very fabric of magical reality, or tap into the light or dark areas of perception to manipulate and control, a Mage has a wide range of powers to pick and choose from.
The merchant is an anomaly. Without him, the other classes soon run out of valuable commodities. Around him, they find themselves curiously bereft of coin... All players can learn trades and professions, but it is the Merchant that truly excels at them all.
A travelling peddler, a blacksmith around which a community is formed and flourishes, a tavern cook who knows the business of every face that travels through, and the alchemist that brews the right potion for the right circumstance- all provide a service and all rely upon the other classes for their livelihood.
Trained in unarmed combat and the focusing of their inner spirit, their Chee (Ki), the monk is a Master of close combat. Spending years of their lives training in monasteries these individuals have concord their bodies and their minds. Often living a solitary life out in the world, helping others for food and shelter these nomads live for their training and to test their skills against others who follow the same path.
The paladin represents the military ideal of a deity or holy order. They can be sworn protectors of a particular faith or location, dedicated persecutors of criminals, evil organisations, and particularly the malevolent undead. Their primary weapon is their strength of arms, but they also have the reassurance of fighting the just fight, protecting the weak and taking the good fight into the darkness.
A ranger is a product of the wilderness. They feel the pulse of the wild much like a Druid does, but less urgently or spiritually. They can command nature magic, and through experience even learn to resist it, but fundamentally, they are survivors, livers off the land and outdoorsmen. As scouts, trackers, wilderness guides and ranged combat specialists, the Ranger is well equipped. A solid, no nonsense group, Rangers are pragmatic, resourceful and dependable.
Rogues are thieves, assassins, cat-burglars, confidence tricksters, bandits, pirates, smugglers, cutpurses, fences, highwaymen, fraudsters, murderers and everything in between. The class can cover just about anyone that makes a living (or killing) through morally dubious or nefarious and illegal means. As a result, the Rogue can be many things. A combat-shy cardsharp or a grizzled gang enforcer from the slums. No two Rogues are the quite the same.
Being a Slayer is not something you become. It’s something you are. It’s in your blood, literally. A magical trait or curse depending how one views it, handed down from generation to generation, the powers of a Slayer seem to awaken when mythical creatures are near. Often feared or misunderstood, driven by an unending drive to destroy the wicked, Slayers are clever, arcane warriors who armed with a willingness to sacrifice their own vitality and humanity for the cause, they protect the realms from the shadows, ever vigilant to avoid becoming the same monsters they choose to hunt. Slayers are willing to suffer whatever it takes to achieve victory, these adept warriors have forged themselves into a potent force against the terrors that threaten the innocent.
Either by choice or some trickery these practitioners of magic have made a deal with a powerful patron. Some choosing the light and joining forces with a heavenly Celestial being to bring light to the world or joining forces with the Demons of the dark realms for ungodly powers the Warlock channels the power of their patron through themselves. But as what cost? What does their pact require from them? because power never is given for free.
A Warrior practises their art much like a Mage. They want to be the best at what they do. But, rather than spells or incantations, a Warrior masters the weapons of their choice to near perfection. The difference between a soldier and a Warrior is all down to talent and dedication. Many Warriors have fought in standing armies, or served as mercenaries, but all move on, wanting to hone their skills against every manner of foe that they can face. To do that usually requires entering an adventurer's life.
A Witch Doctor is a curious mix of healer, visionary and spellcaster. It combines some of the characteristics of the Cleric, Druid and Necromancer in curious and unusual ways. Shamanistic, animistic and primitive practices dominate the Witch Doctors magics. They have a grounded understanding of the energies of the universe that is distinct from the more cerebral ‘studies’ of some of the other spellcasting classes. Witch Doctors ‘feel’ the forces of the universe through the soles of their feet, rather than learn it from a book or scroll. The wise woman, the hedge magician, the shaman and the seer, all are aspects that the Witch Doctor can embody, and all with a darkness and sinister aura that makes this class one to be mistrusted and feared.