We use “Earth” as a loose term for the ground we stand on.
Lvl 1: Root,
Alter effect. 1 mana. Ranged. Call: (Lvl 1 Spell Scrip).
What it does: Calls upon the forces of nature to seek and bind thy enemy to the ground with powerful roots. Binds 1 target character leg to a spot on the ground for duration of battle or until caster is killed or out of sight. Victim may pivot non-bound leg to attack and defend.
Lvl 2: Boulder Smash,
Knock Back & Dazed effect. 2 mana. Ranged. Call: (Lvl 2 Spell Scrip).
What it does: The caster rends a huge boulder from the ground and sends it smashing into their target. Upon a strike the target takes 1 point of damage (Blockable) and is Knocked Back 5 paces and Dazed for 10 seconds. If blocked armour or shield will take the damage.
Lvl 3: Earthquake,
Alter Effect. 3 mana. Area. Call: (Lvl 3 Spell Scrip).
What it does: Everyone (Friend or Foe) within 30ft of the caster must fall prone (Knock Down) and act Dazed for 20 seconds as the ground shakes violently beneath them.
Lvl 4: Acid Spray,
Damage, Un-blockable & Surge (X) effect. 4 mana. Ranged. Call: (Lvl 4 Spell Scrip).
What it does: 'Destroys' (reduced to 0 points) target weapon, shield or piece of armour struck and deals 1 point of damage to the target player as the spray eats away flesh and steel. Surge: The caster may spend X additional mana during casting to do +1 damage per mana spent.
Lvl 1: Root,
Alter effect. 1 mana. Ranged. Call: (Lvl 1 Spell Scrip).
What it does: Calls upon the forces of nature to seek and bind thy enemy to the ground with powerful roots. Binds 1 target character leg to a spot on the ground for duration of battle or until caster is killed or out of sight. Victim may pivot non-bound leg to attack and defend.
Lvl 2: Boulder Smash,
Knock Back & Dazed effect. 2 mana. Ranged. Call: (Lvl 2 Spell Scrip).
What it does: The caster rends a huge boulder from the ground and sends it smashing into their target. Upon a strike the target takes 1 point of damage (Blockable) and is Knocked Back 5 paces and Dazed for 10 seconds. If blocked armour or shield will take the damage.
Lvl 3: Earthquake,
Alter Effect. 3 mana. Area. Call: (Lvl 3 Spell Scrip).
What it does: Everyone (Friend or Foe) within 30ft of the caster must fall prone (Knock Down) and act Dazed for 20 seconds as the ground shakes violently beneath them.
Lvl 4: Acid Spray,
Damage, Un-blockable & Surge (X) effect. 4 mana. Ranged. Call: (Lvl 4 Spell Scrip).
What it does: 'Destroys' (reduced to 0 points) target weapon, shield or piece of armour struck and deals 1 point of damage to the target player as the spray eats away flesh and steel. Surge: The caster may spend X additional mana during casting to do +1 damage per mana spent.