The Recent History of Darken Vale
The Exodus and the emergence of the Fallen.
After the partial re-establishment of the portal between the Netherworld and the World, the realm of Enethar was drastically changed. Where races had once lived in fragile harmony since the end of the Orc Empires, old tensions were rekindled and new threats began to emerge from the darkening shadows.
The most significant threats perceived by the humans and elves living within Darken Vale came with the rise of the Vampires and the emergence of the Fallen, who had been created inadvertently by an Elven plague. Many settlements began to sense a shift in their fortunes and only the larger Northern communities continued to operate more or less as normal.
As the numbers of Fallen, both neutral and evil, continued to grow across the region, many of the smaller colonies of humans resolved to relocate to the coast, seeking the freedom of the seas. With whispers and rumours of the emergence of necromancers and demon cults to the East, many believed that being closer to the sea offered them the best opportunity for escape should the encroaching darkness become hostile.
Whilst there was little evidence to support these initial rumours, indeed, many of the Fallen merely wished to be allowed to live in peace, there was no denying that things were changing once again.
Most notably, the deterioration seen in the Hill of Harek was viewed as a portent by the local elders of all races. Significantly, after many years living its proximity, but for a few stolid traders and mercenaries, the change in the hill signalled the departure of the last Dwarven outposts.
The Dwarves had always been wary of the Hill though they would not speak openly of their reasons. It is no secret that the hill itself had, over time and by unknown means, become a vast reservoir of magical energy over tens of thousands of years.
Many humans, though fewer elves, were of the belief that the Dwarves had been keeping watch over the hill. So, to see them leave the area for the Southern Mountains was another blow to the confidence of the already rattled commoners.
However, the truth of the matter may be found in the history of the hill itself.
It has been alluded to in various ancient elvish & human tomes that the Hill itself is not a natural formation and is, in fact, comprised of the fossilised remains of a giant slain in the Oroku invasion.
Further writings contend that, not only is this true, but that it was a rebel army, led by the Dwarven Chieftan Harek, that slew the giant as he rested after a mighty battle during which he had fought in their defence. Such a deed, whilst not uncommon towards the end of the Oroku invasion and in the ensuing rebellions, would have been considered as treacherous and deserving of a retribution that has still not been wrought.
The Exodus and the emergence of the Fallen.
After the partial re-establishment of the portal between the Netherworld and the World, the realm of Enethar was drastically changed. Where races had once lived in fragile harmony since the end of the Orc Empires, old tensions were rekindled and new threats began to emerge from the darkening shadows.
The most significant threats perceived by the humans and elves living within Darken Vale came with the rise of the Vampires and the emergence of the Fallen, who had been created inadvertently by an Elven plague. Many settlements began to sense a shift in their fortunes and only the larger Northern communities continued to operate more or less as normal.
As the numbers of Fallen, both neutral and evil, continued to grow across the region, many of the smaller colonies of humans resolved to relocate to the coast, seeking the freedom of the seas. With whispers and rumours of the emergence of necromancers and demon cults to the East, many believed that being closer to the sea offered them the best opportunity for escape should the encroaching darkness become hostile.
Whilst there was little evidence to support these initial rumours, indeed, many of the Fallen merely wished to be allowed to live in peace, there was no denying that things were changing once again.
Most notably, the deterioration seen in the Hill of Harek was viewed as a portent by the local elders of all races. Significantly, after many years living its proximity, but for a few stolid traders and mercenaries, the change in the hill signalled the departure of the last Dwarven outposts.
The Dwarves had always been wary of the Hill though they would not speak openly of their reasons. It is no secret that the hill itself had, over time and by unknown means, become a vast reservoir of magical energy over tens of thousands of years.
Many humans, though fewer elves, were of the belief that the Dwarves had been keeping watch over the hill. So, to see them leave the area for the Southern Mountains was another blow to the confidence of the already rattled commoners.
However, the truth of the matter may be found in the history of the hill itself.
It has been alluded to in various ancient elvish & human tomes that the Hill itself is not a natural formation and is, in fact, comprised of the fossilised remains of a giant slain in the Oroku invasion.
Further writings contend that, not only is this true, but that it was a rebel army, led by the Dwarven Chieftan Harek, that slew the giant as he rested after a mighty battle during which he had fought in their defence. Such a deed, whilst not uncommon towards the end of the Oroku invasion and in the ensuing rebellions, would have been considered as treacherous and deserving of a retribution that has still not been wrought.
The Hill of Harek / The Grim Hill.
As previously noted, the origins of the Hill are not generally held to be wholly natural. However, prior to The Exodus, a significant change fell over The Hill of Harek.
Within the course of a solitary moon cycle, its once verdant slopes began to darken. Whilst the plant life remained healthy, it appeared to be drained of its colour and lustre. The local wildlife ceased making their homes on its slopes, and it became unnervingly silent.
It is at this point in the history of Darken Vale that a conclave was called among the local witches and mystics to discuss this sudden change. At the conclusion of a three day meeting the Witches Council, that now watch over the Hill, was borne.
The Witch Council.
Comprised mainly of living humans & elves, the witch council was formed after the exodus. Since their inception they have striven to protect the local area from the encroaching influence of those corrupted by the Demon Lord Tuol'Drom's insipid influence that has slowly crept across the land during the 500 years since he last attempted to reopen the portal between Our world and the Netherworld.
The council act independently from the local lords and factions. However, it is not uncommon for them to make contact with, or influence allegiances between, local tribes and villages when they divine an impending threat to the hill and its surrounding lands.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that just because they can help doesn't mean that they will.
The council always acts in its own best interests. Therefore, as their priority is to prevent the vast magical energies confined within the Grim Hill from being siphoned, usurped, or unleashed by any being, living or fallen, they will not hesitate to send fighting parties, or even entire villages, to almost certain death in the defence of the Hill.
The Present
Since the Exodus, much has changed across Darken Vale. The Fallen have continued to multiply in number and factions have split off to pursue their own callings. They now vastly outnumber the living outside of the main cities, towns, and coastal regions.
Though there are several peaceful towns and communities populated by neutral Fallen, many of their smaller factions have come under the malign influence of necromancers, or involved with cults, both by choice and through fear of annihilation. These groups are nomadic in nature and rarely settle in fixed villages or towns.
The majority of the human population resides in the coastal regions and the main cities of Inawen and Sulvash, both situated in the north parts of Darken Vale. These cities are also home to many elves and a few, lone dwarves. Further inland, humans and elves can usually be found frequenting the same towns. Over time they have come to understand the importance of co-operation when dealing with the threats growing in the vast open spaces between settlements.
A third city, Galtesh, which was originally a large human agricultural settlement, has been corrupted by the followers of the elvish necromancer, Gwintatha. Little is known of Gwintatha's past though he is said to have made a deal with a demon lord within the shadow of the Grim Hill itself. Galtesh is a black scab in the heart of Darken Vale and only the bravest and most foolhardy amongst the living dare to approach its walls.
Orcs have all but wiped themselves out, there are still a couple of active bandit groups comprised of the remnants of the last tribes working throughout the region.
On the whole, the Vampires that have chosen to make Darken Vale their home are either mercenaries or loners. The mercenaries are regarded with no small amount of fear due primarily to a complete incomprehension of the motives and true natures. In contract, the loners, whilst keeping to themselves, prefer to settle in the cities of Inawen and Sulvash where they can blend in.
Despite the proliferation of the Fallen, and the increase in corruption amongst the other races, there are still some small communities that remain untouched by the dark. These beacons of hope welcome members of all races who desire to make an honest living but are also incredibly strict when deciding who to let in to their communities.
As previously noted, the origins of the Hill are not generally held to be wholly natural. However, prior to The Exodus, a significant change fell over The Hill of Harek.
Within the course of a solitary moon cycle, its once verdant slopes began to darken. Whilst the plant life remained healthy, it appeared to be drained of its colour and lustre. The local wildlife ceased making their homes on its slopes, and it became unnervingly silent.
It is at this point in the history of Darken Vale that a conclave was called among the local witches and mystics to discuss this sudden change. At the conclusion of a three day meeting the Witches Council, that now watch over the Hill, was borne.
The Witch Council.
Comprised mainly of living humans & elves, the witch council was formed after the exodus. Since their inception they have striven to protect the local area from the encroaching influence of those corrupted by the Demon Lord Tuol'Drom's insipid influence that has slowly crept across the land during the 500 years since he last attempted to reopen the portal between Our world and the Netherworld.
The council act independently from the local lords and factions. However, it is not uncommon for them to make contact with, or influence allegiances between, local tribes and villages when they divine an impending threat to the hill and its surrounding lands.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that just because they can help doesn't mean that they will.
The council always acts in its own best interests. Therefore, as their priority is to prevent the vast magical energies confined within the Grim Hill from being siphoned, usurped, or unleashed by any being, living or fallen, they will not hesitate to send fighting parties, or even entire villages, to almost certain death in the defence of the Hill.
The Present
Since the Exodus, much has changed across Darken Vale. The Fallen have continued to multiply in number and factions have split off to pursue their own callings. They now vastly outnumber the living outside of the main cities, towns, and coastal regions.
Though there are several peaceful towns and communities populated by neutral Fallen, many of their smaller factions have come under the malign influence of necromancers, or involved with cults, both by choice and through fear of annihilation. These groups are nomadic in nature and rarely settle in fixed villages or towns.
The majority of the human population resides in the coastal regions and the main cities of Inawen and Sulvash, both situated in the north parts of Darken Vale. These cities are also home to many elves and a few, lone dwarves. Further inland, humans and elves can usually be found frequenting the same towns. Over time they have come to understand the importance of co-operation when dealing with the threats growing in the vast open spaces between settlements.
A third city, Galtesh, which was originally a large human agricultural settlement, has been corrupted by the followers of the elvish necromancer, Gwintatha. Little is known of Gwintatha's past though he is said to have made a deal with a demon lord within the shadow of the Grim Hill itself. Galtesh is a black scab in the heart of Darken Vale and only the bravest and most foolhardy amongst the living dare to approach its walls.
Orcs have all but wiped themselves out, there are still a couple of active bandit groups comprised of the remnants of the last tribes working throughout the region.
On the whole, the Vampires that have chosen to make Darken Vale their home are either mercenaries or loners. The mercenaries are regarded with no small amount of fear due primarily to a complete incomprehension of the motives and true natures. In contract, the loners, whilst keeping to themselves, prefer to settle in the cities of Inawen and Sulvash where they can blend in.
Despite the proliferation of the Fallen, and the increase in corruption amongst the other races, there are still some small communities that remain untouched by the dark. These beacons of hope welcome members of all races who desire to make an honest living but are also incredibly strict when deciding who to let in to their communities.
Local Area Landmarks
The Grim Hill (formally known as the Hill of Harek; colloquially known as the Black Hill).
The Grim Hill is ruled over by the Witch Council and is a seat of forbidden magical power. Any party wishing to travel to, or over, the Hill first needs to contact the council by raven, or face the consequences.
The Silent Forest
The Silent Forest lies to the east of the Grim Hill and extends to the border of Darken Vale. It has become a haven for many elves seeking a respite between their attacks against the seemingly endless stream of cults flaring up across the region. Several human villages have sprung up within the forest as well, but all who choose to remain have to seek the approval of the surrounding elvish settlements before staking their claim.
The Southern Mountains
In stark contrast to the rest of Darken Vale the Southern mountains remain as resplendent as they were before the re-opening of the rift and the Exodus. It is here that the Dwarves have made their new home. The city of Stonewell, nestled within the foot hills on the cusp of the Darken Vale territory, serves as a main trading point for all living races and some neutral Fallen.
The Grim Hill (formally known as the Hill of Harek; colloquially known as the Black Hill).
The Grim Hill is ruled over by the Witch Council and is a seat of forbidden magical power. Any party wishing to travel to, or over, the Hill first needs to contact the council by raven, or face the consequences.
The Silent Forest
The Silent Forest lies to the east of the Grim Hill and extends to the border of Darken Vale. It has become a haven for many elves seeking a respite between their attacks against the seemingly endless stream of cults flaring up across the region. Several human villages have sprung up within the forest as well, but all who choose to remain have to seek the approval of the surrounding elvish settlements before staking their claim.
The Southern Mountains
In stark contrast to the rest of Darken Vale the Southern mountains remain as resplendent as they were before the re-opening of the rift and the Exodus. It is here that the Dwarves have made their new home. The city of Stonewell, nestled within the foot hills on the cusp of the Darken Vale territory, serves as a main trading point for all living races and some neutral Fallen.
The Witch Council's Tower
The Witch Council's Tower stands at the apex of the Grim Hill. From the tower the council & their guard monitor and study the persistent changes in the hill. At the top of the tower is a guard post & beacon, which sits above a raven loft. Four guards are stationed at the top of the tower on a twenty-four hour watch. It is the tower guard's duty to keep watch across the local area and alert both the council and the local leaders of any impending attacks.
Sickening Wastes (colloquial names: the putrid wastes, the cursed bogs, ruptures)
The sickening wastes are not in a single location. Rather, they are the name given to the swamps and bogs thought to have been caused by the magicks used in both the Giant/Dragon wars and the Oroku invasion. There are rumours of entire tribes living within these inhospitable regions, and many mercenaries claim to hail from such tribes. But there are no recognised settlements within any of the wastes.
The Ruins of Kendrath
Kendrath was once a jewel in the crown of the Elvish kingdoms. Then came the Orcs, and with them, fire and death. The Ruins of Kendrath are considered by most elves to be a sacred link to their past and remain guarded to this day.
Many are the rogues and adventurers who have attempted to plunder its hidden wealth. Yet, few are those that have lived long enough to face the wrath of Elven justice, for the passages of the ruins are haunted by the ghosts of the slain. Driven mad by Kendrath's destruction, they are said to seek the destruction of any that dare to profane their resting place.
Local Towns of Note
Name – Predominant Race(s)
Abceris – Fallen/Human/Elves. (Neutral)
Abceris was the first town founded by Neutral Fallen that opened its doors to outsiders. Over time, it has built up its walls and is now recognised as one of the safest communities in the east of Darken Vale. However, many humans and elves are still to afraid to step foot within its walls.
Caden – Elves/Human/Some Neutral Fallen. (Neutral)
Caden began its life as a small community of farmers and arborists. It is now a local trading hub for all neutral/allied races and a good source of up to date information regarding events going on throughout Darken Vale.
Garren – Human/Elves. (Allied)
Garren is a militarised outpost. Here, humans and Elves train side by side. It is operated by an alliance of the local leaders and it is in Garren that all allied military decisions are made when deciding how to deal with emerging and existing threats.
Highmound – Elves/Humans. (Allied)
Home to Lady Aeris. Originally a human settlement the Elves took over after the majority of the human population fled in the Exodus. Lady Aeris is a shrewd tactician and is heavily involved in planning the fight against the dark lords and war bands throughout Darken Vale.
Indell – Fallen. (Neutral)
Previously a human settlement Indell has been run by the Fallen since it was abandoned during the Exodus. Indell is unique in as far as it is run by a council elected by its citizens. Though not unique, it is one of the largest Neutral Fallen towns to operate in such a manner.
Moresh – Human/Fallen (Evil)
The small town of Moresh once rang with the sound of trade and music. But since the arrival of the necromancer, Leric, and his human followers, it has been plunged into darkness and despair. Traders and mercenaries tell horrific stories of human sacrifice and ritual resurrections but few are foolish enough to venture forth & see for themselves. Those that do, do not return.
New Hope – Fallen (????)
The town of New Hope was razed to the ground by its original human inhabitants during the Exodus. Shortly thereafter, a young woman named Clementia, who claims both human & elven heritage, arrived & began to raise the dead to rebuild the town for her to rule.
Clementia's motives, beyond gaining power for herself, are unknown. As such, she is not trusted by the local leaders and New Hope is viewed as a potential threat.
Qurenbark – Human (Evil)
Qurenbark was once a Dwarven settlement and for many years after the Exodus it lay abandoned. Now, it is a den of thieves and brigands ruled over by Varick Auguste, a self-styled War Lord willing to sell his subjects services, or their bodies, to anyone for the right price.
Qurenbark is also home to the Blood Night, a savage 'sporting' event staged across two nights in the middle of each season.
During a Blood Night celebration, rivals challenge each other to unarmed combat to the death in arenas in the sewers beneath the town. These events are a prime source of income for the town due to the persistent gambling. It is not unusual for combatants to use concealed weapons at such events but, due to the amount of money being gambled, it is rare that anyone caught using a weapon will make it back up to the street level.
The Witch Council's Tower stands at the apex of the Grim Hill. From the tower the council & their guard monitor and study the persistent changes in the hill. At the top of the tower is a guard post & beacon, which sits above a raven loft. Four guards are stationed at the top of the tower on a twenty-four hour watch. It is the tower guard's duty to keep watch across the local area and alert both the council and the local leaders of any impending attacks.
Sickening Wastes (colloquial names: the putrid wastes, the cursed bogs, ruptures)
The sickening wastes are not in a single location. Rather, they are the name given to the swamps and bogs thought to have been caused by the magicks used in both the Giant/Dragon wars and the Oroku invasion. There are rumours of entire tribes living within these inhospitable regions, and many mercenaries claim to hail from such tribes. But there are no recognised settlements within any of the wastes.
The Ruins of Kendrath
Kendrath was once a jewel in the crown of the Elvish kingdoms. Then came the Orcs, and with them, fire and death. The Ruins of Kendrath are considered by most elves to be a sacred link to their past and remain guarded to this day.
Many are the rogues and adventurers who have attempted to plunder its hidden wealth. Yet, few are those that have lived long enough to face the wrath of Elven justice, for the passages of the ruins are haunted by the ghosts of the slain. Driven mad by Kendrath's destruction, they are said to seek the destruction of any that dare to profane their resting place.
Local Towns of Note
Name – Predominant Race(s)
Abceris – Fallen/Human/Elves. (Neutral)
Abceris was the first town founded by Neutral Fallen that opened its doors to outsiders. Over time, it has built up its walls and is now recognised as one of the safest communities in the east of Darken Vale. However, many humans and elves are still to afraid to step foot within its walls.
Caden – Elves/Human/Some Neutral Fallen. (Neutral)
Caden began its life as a small community of farmers and arborists. It is now a local trading hub for all neutral/allied races and a good source of up to date information regarding events going on throughout Darken Vale.
Garren – Human/Elves. (Allied)
Garren is a militarised outpost. Here, humans and Elves train side by side. It is operated by an alliance of the local leaders and it is in Garren that all allied military decisions are made when deciding how to deal with emerging and existing threats.
Highmound – Elves/Humans. (Allied)
Home to Lady Aeris. Originally a human settlement the Elves took over after the majority of the human population fled in the Exodus. Lady Aeris is a shrewd tactician and is heavily involved in planning the fight against the dark lords and war bands throughout Darken Vale.
Indell – Fallen. (Neutral)
Previously a human settlement Indell has been run by the Fallen since it was abandoned during the Exodus. Indell is unique in as far as it is run by a council elected by its citizens. Though not unique, it is one of the largest Neutral Fallen towns to operate in such a manner.
Moresh – Human/Fallen (Evil)
The small town of Moresh once rang with the sound of trade and music. But since the arrival of the necromancer, Leric, and his human followers, it has been plunged into darkness and despair. Traders and mercenaries tell horrific stories of human sacrifice and ritual resurrections but few are foolish enough to venture forth & see for themselves. Those that do, do not return.
New Hope – Fallen (????)
The town of New Hope was razed to the ground by its original human inhabitants during the Exodus. Shortly thereafter, a young woman named Clementia, who claims both human & elven heritage, arrived & began to raise the dead to rebuild the town for her to rule.
Clementia's motives, beyond gaining power for herself, are unknown. As such, she is not trusted by the local leaders and New Hope is viewed as a potential threat.
Qurenbark – Human (Evil)
Qurenbark was once a Dwarven settlement and for many years after the Exodus it lay abandoned. Now, it is a den of thieves and brigands ruled over by Varick Auguste, a self-styled War Lord willing to sell his subjects services, or their bodies, to anyone for the right price.
Qurenbark is also home to the Blood Night, a savage 'sporting' event staged across two nights in the middle of each season.
During a Blood Night celebration, rivals challenge each other to unarmed combat to the death in arenas in the sewers beneath the town. These events are a prime source of income for the town due to the persistent gambling. It is not unusual for combatants to use concealed weapons at such events but, due to the amount of money being gambled, it is rare that anyone caught using a weapon will make it back up to the street level.